The Agribusiness Incubation Society (ABIS) – Technology Business Incubator (TBI) in coordination with the Directorate of Agribusiness Development, TNAU, Coimbatore is conducting a three days training on “FPO Management” under Tamil Nadu Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (TNSFAC) by Department of Agricultural Marketing and Agri Business (DAMAB) on 31st May, 1st & 2nd June, 2023. About 80 farmers from FPOS of Coimbatore, Tirupur and Erode districts are participating in the training programme.
Dr.E.Somasundaram, Director, ABD inaugurated the training and delivered lecture on the identifying the opportunities in Agribusiness. Mr.A.V.Gnansambandam, CEO – ABIS welcomed the participants of the training and Dr.M.Malarkodi, Associate Professor (ARM) & Training Coordinator proposed the vote of thanks.
The training is focussed on Formation of FPOs for Organic Farmers, Concept and FPCs under companies Act, Statutory & Compliances of FPC, Export potential for FPC products, Opportunities and Challenges in promotion of FPOs, Governance of FPCs, Projecting Cash Flows, Price fixation strategies for FPC Products, Financial Statement for FPCs, Leadership skill Development & Team Building and Value addition of Horticultural Crops. The participants will be taken for a one day farm visit within the state and a 5 day visit outside the state after the training. This will help the start-up stage FPOs facing various challenges related to entrepreneurial capacity, business and marketing strategy, financial resources etc.
With the technical support of TNAU, the TNSFAC is conducting similar trainings to members of 318 Farmer Producer Organisations to transform them as agri entrepreneurs.