Chennai Airport Conducts Training program on CBRN emergencies

Business MInutes

A Training of Trainers (ToT) program was organised at Chennai International Airport by National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in association with AAI to enhance the preparedness of Airport Emergency Handlers to respond to CBRN emergencies, encompassing threats emanating from the use of Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear at Airport.

The 5 days ToT program has been inaugurated by Sh. C V Deepak, Airport Director, Chennai Airport in august presence of Sh. Asheesh Kalaan, Commanding Officer, INAS 313, Dornier Squadron, at Chennai Airport and officials from AAI, AAICLAS, Port Trust Authority, Tamil  Nadu Fire & Rescue Services and other stake holders. While speaking on the occasion, Airport Director has pointed out that it is the major step in enhancing CBRN safety at our Airports, besides being able to handle CRBN emergencies, which need specialised skills and efforts.

The program consists of lectures as well as field training including live demonstration of detection and decontamination, including use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Further, the training program will enable the Airport emergency handlers to provide medical first aid and initial psycho- social support, According to the Press release issued by Corporate Communications Department, AAI, Chennai Airport.


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