Department of Posts organize workshop on E-commerce Export & Dak Ghar Niryat Kendra

Business MInutes

The Department of Posts, in collaboration with the Zonal Additional Director General of Foreign Trade, hosted a workshop on e-Commerce Export and Dak Ghar Niryat Kendra (DNK). The event was supported by the Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) and Amazon Global. The workshop aimed to provide valuable insights and guidance to traders regarding the utilization of India Post services for their export activities.

Ms. B.P Sridevi, Post Master General (Mails & Business Development) welcomed the esteemed gathering and expressed her gratitude to FIEO and Amazon Global for their invaluable support in organizing this workshop. She emphasized the significance of opening up DNKs in empowering traders to conveniently export their articles through the nearest post office.

Mr. Natarajan, Post Master General, Chennai Region highlighted the unprecedented opportunities available to traders through India Post services. He announced the expansion of Dak Ghar Niryat Kendra in Tamil Nadu. Currently, 34 Dak Ghar Niryat Kendra are operational in the state with an additional 20 centres set to commence operations shortly. This development signifies a significant step towards simplifying export operations for business in Tamil Nadu. Shri. Natarajan underscored the absence of volumetric limitations in India Post, setting it apart from private courier services. Furthermore, he highlighted the "Book Now Pay Later" facilities offered by India Post and encouraged traders to leverage these advantages. He also assured that India Post is actively exploring additional ways to cater to the needs of exporters effectively.

Ms. Rajalakshmi Devaraj, Zonal Additional Director General for Foreign Trade shed light on the significant emphasis placed by the new foreign trade policy on e-commerce. She expressed optimism about India's potential to emerge as a leading player in the global e-commerce market within the next decade. She stressed the importance of leveraging technologies such as UPI, e-Rupee, and robust e-commerce infrastructure to expand the reach of Indian products worldwide. She noted that India's export growth rate is projected to outpace the IT sector's growth rate in the 2000s. Rajalakshmi attributed the rise of cross-border e-commerce to the demand for quality products at affordable costs, presenting a unique advantage for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to directly export their products without relying on complex supply chains.

Mr. Mathew Jolly, Principal Commissioner, Air Customs, discussed the ambitious target of achieving $2 billion to $350 billion in exports through e-commerce by 2030. He urged exporters to enhance India's visibility on the global stage, as increased exposure would facilitate improved marketing of Indian products. Jolly also highlighted the minimal customs regulations pertaining to exports and emphasized the convenience of online document filing for exporters.

Ms. Charukesi, Chief Post Master General highlighted that India Post has been authorized to facilitate exports since 2018. She mentioned that since 2022, export documents can be uploaded on the DNK portal, streamlining the export process. Charukesi elucidated the operational benefits of DNKs in exporting articles, emphasizing the low-cost model's potential to support local artisans and contribute to the One District One Product initiative. She proudly announced the substantial increase in international mail revenue achieved by India Post and reiterated the organization's pivotal role in boosting exports, aligning with the Government of India's goal of achieving $2 trillion in exports.

The workshop brought together Industry experts, Government officials and entrepreneurs to explore the opportunities and benefits of utilising Dak Ghar Niryat Kendra services for streamlining export processes.


Dak Ghar Niryat Kendra services as a one-stop destination for exporters providing comprehensive assistance and streamlined processes for export - related documentation, logistics, customs procedures and packing. The centres offer valuable support to businesses, empowering them to navigate the complexities of international trade with ease.

The expansion of the Dak Ghar Niryat Kendra in Tamil Nadu reflects India Post’s commitment to facilitating trade and fostering economic growth.By offering convenient access to export - related services, the centres enable businesses to enhance their efficiency, reduce cost, and ensure smoother operations in their export and endeavours. This is encouraging businesses in Tamil Nadu to take advantage of the services offered by Dak Ghar Niryat Kendra.


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