Income Tax department celebrates the 77th Independence Day

Business MInutes

The 77th Independence Day was celebrated by the Income Tax Department, Chennai on 15th August, 2023 to commemorate the valour of our freedom fighters on independence with fervour. 

The National Flag was hoisted by Mr. Sunil Mathur, IRS Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax & Director General of Income Tax (Inv.), at Income Tax Office Campus, Chennai at 08.30 a.m. Retired Chief Commissioners of Income Tax, Senior Officers, Officials and family members of the Income Tax graced the occasion. 

Sunil Mathur, Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax & Director General of Income Tax (Inv.) addressed the gathering and remembered the contribution and sacrifice of the forefathers to earn this freedom for all of us.  He also acknowledged the sacrifices made by our armed forces who guard the frontiers of our country day and night.  He addressed that during the years, we have made technological advancements in the field of Information Technology, Space Technology and many other scientific areas.  Our nation is considered as the fastest growing large economy and 5th largest economy in the world.  Development of the nation requires resources and the Income Tax Department plays an important role in our country.  The budget estimate of gross tax revenue of Central Government for the FY 2023-24 is 33.6 Lakh Crores, out of which the Direct Tax Collection is fixed at 18.3 Lakh Crores.  

Out of the total tax collection, 54% of tax revenue is contributed by the Income Tax Department. Along with the tax collection and taxpayer services, one of the Department’s part of functioning is to create a deterrence effect against tax evasion.  To take action against tax evaders and instil the essence of confidence amongst the honest taxpayers, the Investigation Wing of Tamil Nadu & Puducherry region during FY 2022-23 has conducted 81 search and seizure operations in which Rs.170 crores of assets were seized.  This consisted of seizure of cash of Rs.120 crores and Jewellery of Rs.50 crores. In this operation, an unaccounted income of Rs.5,200/- crore was also detected.  The Pr. CCIT & DGIT(Inv.) appreciated the officers and officials of the Department for their contribution towards this outstanding achievement.

As a part of the celebration, a cultural programme by K.M. Music Conservatory, Chennai was organized.  Their students and performers enthralled the audience with their mesmerizing music ensemble.

On this occasion, Pr. Chief Commissioner’s “Certificate of Merit” were awarded to the Officers & Officials of the Income Tax Department for promoting excellence in the field of Direct Taxation.


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