The Executive Committee meeting of Erode District South India Sengunta Mahajana Sangam was held at the Erode Fort Senguntar Wedding Hall. Erode District President Udaya Shankar presided over the meeting and Erode District Secretary and State Youth Deputy Organizer Chozha Aasithambi gave a welcome speech.
District Honorary Advisor and State Trade Team Organizer Dr. Nandagopal State Executive Committee Member Dr. Vasantha Suthanandan presided. State Executive Committee member Krishnasamy Sengunder read the pledge. District Treasurer Mohan read the financial status report.
In the meeting, approval of the budget, awarding certificates to the branch associations and elected branch association officers, submission of annual report and election of district association officers were also discussed. In the end, state executive committee member Vajravelu gave vote of thanks.
In this meeting all branch association executives participated.