Group Legrand India Empowers Children with Prosthetic Limbs in Pondicherry

Business MInutes

Group Legrand India, a prominent provider of electrical and digital building infrastructure, recently organized a Limb Distribution Camp in Pondicherry at Satya Special School, marking a significant step in their social initiative aimed at improving the lives of 26 intellectually challenged children with prosthetic limbs. This initiative aimed to empower these children providing them with the chance to enhance their independence and embrace a better quality of life. 

Mr. Tony Berland, CEO & MD of Group Legrand India, highlighted, "Our commitment is centered around improving the lives of children in need. At Legrand, we are committed towards diversity and inclusion beyond our workplace. By equipping these special children with advanced prosthetic limbs at the early stages, with an aim to nurture their independence, preserve their dignity, and pave the way for a brighter future."

Aligned with their socially responsible initiatives, Group Legrand India has implemented diverse programs tailored to education, environment, health, and safety, all aimed at positively influencing and empowering the lives of these young individuals.


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