Memorandum of Understanding Signed Between Pondicherry University and Infosys

Business MInutes

Pondicherry University and Infosys, a global leader in technology, consulting, and outsourcing solutions, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to foster collaboration in various domains of education and innovation.

The agreement marks a significant milestone in the strategic partnership between academia and industry, aimed at creating synergies that will benefit students, faculty, and the broader community.

Under the terms of the MoU, Pondicherry University and Infosys will collaborate on several key initiatives:

Curriculum Enhancement: Infosys will provide insights and expertise to help update and enhance the university's curriculum, ensuring alignment with industry needs and emerging trends in technology and business.

Skill Development Programs: The partnership will facilitate the design and delivery of skill development programs, workshops, and seminars to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge required to thrive in the digital age.

Internship and Placement Opportunities: Infosys will offer internship opportunities to students of Pondicherry University, providing them with practical exposure to real-world projects and potential employment opportunities within the company.

Industry-Academia Interaction: The MoU aims to promote regular interaction between faculty members, researchers, and industry professionals through Orientations, seminars, conferences, and networking events.

Stating on the partnership, Vice chancellor of PU addressed about the collaboration with Infosys, a renowned global leader in technology and innovation. This partnership will not only enrich the academic experience of our students but also pave the way for meaningful future collaborations and industry exposure. The insight and scope of the MOU was explicated by Dr.S.Sivasathya, Professor and Dean, School of Engineering and Technology.

Mr. Victor Sundararaj , Associate Vice President and chief Mentor-Infosys springboard added  Infosys, added, "At Infosys, we are committed to nurturing talent and fostering innovation. Through this collaboration with Pondicherry University, we aim to leverage our expertise to contribute to the development of skilled professionals and drive impactful educational and practical initiatives."

The MOU Coordinator Dr.K.Vaitheki, Assistant Professor, Department of computer science thanked the officials and observed that this MOU signing would directly benefit all the schools of University and its affiliates. Under the aegis of MoU, students and faculties could be benefited by the scope of work that could be augmented further as a part of CSR initiative.

The MoU signing ceremony was attended by the Vice Chancellor of Pondicherry University Dr.Tharanikkarasu, Registrar Dr. Rajneesh Bhutani, Prof. A.Subramaniya Raju, Dean International Relations, Prof.Clement, Director Culture and Cultural relations and Professor Chandra Sekhara Rao.

The signing of the MoU reflects the shared vision of Pondicherry University and Infosys to bridge the gap between academia and industry, driving excellence in education, Digital skills and innovation.

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