Public Hearing Reveals Concerns Over Industrial Land Conversion in Madurai

Business MInutes

Master Plan Plan 2021-2041 If the survey numbers removed from industrial lands are reconciled, Madurai district will have the opportunity to improve productivity and economy.

Madurai District Town and Country Planning Draft Master Plan 2021-2041. A public hearing was held on 06.03.2024 at the District Collectorate with the explanation of the Deputy Director of Local Planning Authority.

It is shocking that the land which was already declared as industrial areas has now been converted for agricultural and commercial use.

It was objected by all our industrial associations that if the land classification was alternate, there would be many problems for the industrial companies to expand their factories.

It should be ascertained whether any industry is located in the deleted survey numbers. This is because the small scale entrepreneurs are likely to face many difficulties due to change in land classification if the industry already exists.

Many of the areas already declared as industrial areas have been removed from the survey numbers.

In this regard, 5160 factory owners have been given time till 10.05.2024 to rectify the change in the land classification (industrial classification) for your industries.

Industrialists with land related problems are requested to take advantage of this opportunity to correct the land classification for your industry. Mateetsia is working to help you by filing the correct details to the government on 10.05.2024.

Take advantage of this opportunity !!

Thank you


Chairman- Mateetsia

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