NIT Puducherry conducting two-days cultural fest 'Le Ciel 2024'

Business MInutes

NIT Puducherry, located in Karaikal, is conducting “Le Ciel 2024”, a two-days inter- college cultural fest from 25th to 26th October 2024.  The inauguration of the cultural fest was on 25th October 2024.

The fest was inaugurated by Dr. Makarand Madhao Ghangrekar, Director of NIT Puducherry, with the traditional lamp-lighting ceremony along with Dr. N. Sendhil Kumar, Chairman of Le Ciel 2024, Dr. V. Balakumar, and Dr. V. Vani, Secretaries of Le Ciel 2024, Mr.  Ksheersagar S Nair, and Mr Lokesh Kola, Cultural Secretaries of Le Ciel 2024.

Around 700 participants from more than 50 colleges graced the event, making the inaugural ceremony a grand success and setting an energetic tone for the two days of celebrations which consist of many competitions and performances. 

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