Ministry of Cooperation Launches Model Training Programs for Farmers Across India

Business MInutes

Since the formation of the Ministry of Cooperation by the central government on July 6, 2021, various progressive schemes have been formulated for farmers and are being implemented across India. Among these, 54 schemes are significant for cooperative societies. National-level public service centers have been established, and more than 300 central government schemes have been made accessible to households across the country. Over 60,000 primary agricultural cooperative societies have been digitized, with approximately 420 crore rupees allocated for the development of IT infrastructure. Other services and welfare programs of the Ministry of Cooperation are being conducted through permanent training programs nationwide to encourage membership in cooperative societies. 

In Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Rajasthan, and Chandigarh, model training programs are being organized by the Ministry of Cooperation. In Tamil Nadu, this model program is being conducted in Theni district under the guidance of District Cooperative Officer Mr. Arokiyasugumar, and K. Sathiyakumar Sam Michael, Director of Cooperative Management Training Institute, Chinna Udaippu, Madurai. Dr. V. Alagupandiyan, Senior Lecturer, is assisting in the program. Since November 4, 2024, training has been provided to members of 71 primary agricultural cooperative societies. 

The purpose of this training is to clarify the importance and principles of cooperatives, members' rights and duties, participation in the functioning of societies, transforming societies into multi-purpose ones, and strengthening the cooperative movement through new initiatives of the Ministry of Cooperation. 

The model training program was inaugurated on November 4, 2024, at the Pallakombai Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Society by Director K. Sathiyakumar Sam Michael, who elaborated on the schemes. 

Special guests at the event included Mr. Selvaraj, Deputy Registrar of Periyakulam Circle, and Mr. Jayaram, Director of Theni District Cooperative Union. Under the Theni Pioneer Training Program, 28,436 members from 71 primary agricultural cooperative credit societies participated in and benefited from this training program.


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