Seminar on "Digital Wellbeing" Held at Madurai Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation Center

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A seminar on "Digital Wellbeing" was organized by the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation Center located in Anna Nagar, Madurai. 

Inaugurating the seminar, Dr. Abdul Kadir, former principal of Wakf Board College, said that every technology has two sides, pros and cons, and we should take advantages and avoid the disadvantages. The mobile phone technology has many advantages like money exchange, communicate instantly with anyone in any corner of the world, stay in touch with friends and family through social media, talk face to face through video calls, get various courses and trainings online, read books and newspapers. However, the constant use of mobile phones can cause many health problems such as damage to eyes, brain, spinal cord and sleep. It can also cause cracks in social relations, cause confusion in society due to spreading of wrong information. Hence, he stressed that we should take advantage of every technology and use it so that no problem occurs in our lifestyle, he added.

Brahmakumari  Rani, the in-charge of the meditation center gave a detailed explanation about "Digital Wellness" through a computer power point.  In this seminar about 150 participants including Professor Karu. Murugesan have attended.

The arrangements for the program were made by Brahma Kumari Sisters Rani, Geetha, Lakshmi, Brothers Murali and Hariharan.

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