Hands-on training in Genome Editing in Crop Plants

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Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Centre for Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Department of Plant Biotechnology is conducting a five-day "Hands-on Training in genome editing in crop plants" About 18 students and scientists from various colleges and research institutes across India participated in this training program.

The Hands-on Training commenced with an inaugural ceremony on January 27, 2025. 

Dr. N. Senthil, Director (CPMB &B), and Dr. V. Balasubramani, Controller of Examination participated as chief guest. Department of Plant Biotechnology, Professor and Head, Dr. E. Kokiladevi welcomed the gathering.  Director (CPMB & B), Dr. N. Senthil in his inaugural address elaborate the crop gene editing work done in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University and across the globe. He also provided an overview of the training program and emphasized bright future for students working in the genome editing in plants as edited plants can be released without undergoing biosafety regulation. 

The controller of examination, Dr. V. Balssubraminai, addressed the role of genome cutting & editing master, CRISPR tool in cutting and the plant genome. He also highlighted the importance of gaining practical expertise in genome editing.  Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. L. Arul, Professor and Head, Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics.

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