All India Inter NIT Kabaddi and Badminton Tournament

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The students of NIT, Tiruchirappalli (NIT-T) emerged as winners in the All India Inter-NIT Kabaddi (Men & Women) and Badminton (Men & Women) tournament.

The students of NIT, Tiruchirappalli (NIT-T) emerged as winners in the All India Inter-NIT Kabaddi (Men & Women) and Badminton (Men & Women)  tournament. It began on 24th January 2025 at NIT, Tiruchirappalli. Mr. Arvind Banavath IPS, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Thiruverumbur  inaugurated the tournament, in the presence of the Institute's  Director,Dr. G. Aghila. The event was attended by Dr. R. Karvembu,  Dean of Students'Welfare, Dr. N. Kumaresan, Dean of Faculty Welfare,  and Dr. S. A. SenthilKumar, Registrar of the Institute  Along with Dr  A Solomon Raja Senior SAS OFFICER ,and  Dalleykrishnan SAS Officer.

A total of 25 NITs from various parts of the country, and IIEST, Shibpur participated in the tournament. NIT-T students performed outstandingly and bagged the trophy in both  Kabaddi (Men & Women) and Badminton (Men & Women). Ms. Sandhya (IV  year B.Tech. Production Engineering) and Mr. Raju (III year B.Tech.  Civil Engineering) have been honored with the all rounder and best rider  awards, respectively, in Kabaddi. Ms. Nithya (IV year B.Arch.) has  secured the best player award in Badminton (Women).The runner up position was bagged by SVNIT Surat in kabaddi and VNIT Nagpur in Badminton.

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