Three-day training programme on ‘Quality Assurance in Agricultural Education and Research’ was conducted by the Directorate of Planning and Monitoring, under Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) from 22.01.2025 to 24.01.2025 at TNAU premises for the University teaching faculty from different centres of TNAU.
In the Inaugural address Dr. R. Thamizh Vendan, Registrar, said frequent updation is essential for enriching our knowledge on latest technologies.
Felicitation was given by Dr. N. Venkatesa Palanichamy, Dean, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Dr. D. Suresh Kumar, Dean, SPGS, TNAU, Coimbatore
Dr. M.R. Srinivasan, Professor (Agrl. Entomology) and TNAU press in charge welcomed the gathering and Dr. T. Samsai, Professor (ARM) delivered vote of Thanks..
The training was given on latest technologies such as Academic Auditing, Assessment, Accreditation and Ranking for Quality Assurance, Digital Teaching Technologies, Quality Research in Emerging Agricultural Ecosystem, Cyber Security, Blended learning techniques for quality higher education, Empowering agricultural research: Data Analytics, Visualization and reference management, IPR, Patent and Copy Rights, Open Source Tools and Web Resources and also on Emotional Wellness and Stress Management. Subject experts from University and outside served as a resource person. Both theory and hands on training was given on latest technologies.
In the Valedictory Address, Dr. V. Geethalakshmi,Vice – Chancellor, TNAU, appreciated and congratulated the participants and she added quality assurance in higher education is essential for maintaining high academic standards and enhancing the student learning experience. To achieve it, this type of refresher training is essential for the staff especially to enhance teaching effectiveness, promoting continuous professional development, and ultimately improving student outcomes. In such a way this training schedule was designed on latest topics neededof the hour.So far IQAC has conducted a series of 15 trainings for Teaching, Non - Teaching, Affiliated college Principals, Staff deputed from Annamalai University and Faculty Development Programme for Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Nepal.
Felicitation was given Dr.P.Jeyakumar, Director, Planning and Monitoring, Dr. E. Somasundaram, Director of Agri-Business Development, Dr. A. Raviraj, Dean, Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, TNAU.
Dr. K. Ganesan (Agrl. Entomology) welcomed the gathering and Dr. P.S. Kavitha (Horticulture) delivered vote of Thanks.