TNAU inaugurates Rice Transplantation at Wetlands

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Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore is offering B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture degree programme of four years duration.  The principles of crop production is being taught in the first two years and the applied aspects are covered in the rest 2 years of study. Practical crop production is one among the courses offered in the Department of Agronomy during III year. 

In the fifth semester the students are being exposed to rice cultivation. The nursery was raised and transplanting of rice was done by the students in their allotted 4 cents of land in wetland farm of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University on 28.04.2023. The rice transplanting was inaugurated by the Dr.V.Geethalakshmi, Vice-Chancellor, TNAU along with the following University Officers Dr.N.VenkatesaPalanichamy, Dean(Agriculture),  Dr.M.K.Kalarani, Director(Crop Management), Dr.V.Balasubramani, Controller of Examination, Dr.P.P.Murugan, Director (Directorate of Extension Education), Dr.M.Shanthi, Director (Centre for Plant Protection Studies), Dr.S.Pazhanivelan, Director (Water Technology Centre), Dr.R.Umarani, Director (Seed Centre) and Heads of the Departments and Scientists and graced august function. The transplanting was done by 167 students of III year B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture.

Dr.M.K.Kalarani, Director, (Crop Management), interacted with students and insisted to learn the practical concepts well and to cultivate a good crop with better yields.

Dr.P.Parasuraman, Professor and Head, Department of Agronomy, explained about the Rice management techniques. Course teachers Dr.K.Thirukumaran, Dr.V.Manivannan, Dr.G.Prabu Kumar and Dr.S.P.Sangeetha are involved in organizing the inaugural function of rice transplanting at Wetland farm and welcomed the gathering.


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