Inauguration of integrated stitching unit under "Vaan" Scheme

Business MInutes

In the heart of India, where resilience and the yearning to go the extra mile thrives, a silent revolution is unfolding to empower women from BPL communities who carry dreams in their eyes, but are held back due to the orthodox and traditional socio-cultural environment they are in.

All they need is someone who believes in their true potential and is ready to handhold them to unleash it. Vaan does just that!

As a visionary, our Honorable Information Technology & Digital Services Minister, Government of Tamil Nadu, Dr. Palanivel Thiaga Rajan, has launched project ‘Vaan’ as a pilot in his constituency, to empower women on grassroot level and create livelihood for them and those around them.

By promoting Mass Entrepreneurship among women from the economically weaker sections of the society, Vaan aims to ensure that the BPL families in the Madurai Central Constituency secure a minimum monthly earning of Rs 10,000, through the entrepreneurial efforts of their womenfolk.

In project Vaan, we profile and identify enthusiastic and self-driven women from the BPL community, and educate and nurture them to take surefooted steps towards entrepreneurship. We identify their true potential and connect them to the business vertical that best suits their expertise and experience.

By empowering them to start and grow their business ventures, we help them create employment opportunities for fellow women from the same locality and the socio-economic community they belong to.

Like a ripple effect, this leads to economic growth, access to better education and healthcare, and a better standard of living for everyone around them.

We have an expert team to oversee the entire project right from ideation to implementation. They hand hold these entrepreneurs along their business journey. 

Igniting Change, one locality at a time

The First Phase

The first phase of Project Vaan began at Sundararajapuram. We identified a self driven woman and procured her a job works project to produce and supply quality pure gum benzoin (sambrani.) She thrived and went on to employ 10 more women from her locality.

Working together, they are successfully producing and supplying cup sambrani to a well known brand. They are well on their way to market their own brand of sambrani in the near future, and we are here to assist them in all ways.

The Second Phase

The second phase is all set to begin at Mahaboopalayam on 24th September, 2023, at the integrated stitching unit envisioned and established by Minister Palanivel Thiaga Rajan.

Madurai Rajmahal has donated 25 electric sewing machines to project Vaan, as part of their CSR initiatives. We strive to bring in BPL women who know stitching into our folds, and give them procurement orders for production and wholesale supply of shirts, skirts, nighties, and towels. They get the chance to gain financial independence at 0 investment.

We have chosen 25 women from 3 women's self help groups in the community. After studying the results and outcomes of this model, we are planning to establish more business units across Madurai.

Vaan has more places to tread and more lives to impact! It is a beacon of hope for women shackled by poverty & societal constraints. As our name goes, Sky's the limit for the remarkable women who enter our folds.


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