Department of Food Process Engineering, Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Coimbatore took an initiative in signing Memorandum of Understanding between Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore and Amrita VishwaVidyapeetham, Coimbatore on 25.09.2023, in the presence of Dr.V.Geethalakshmi, Vice Chancellor, TNAU, Prof.C.Parameswaran, Principal Director (Corporate and Industry Relations), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, Dr. R.Thamizh Vendan, Registrar, TNAU, Dr.A.Raviraj, Dean (Agrl. Engg.) and Dr. M. Balakrishnan, Professor & Head (Food Process Engineering).
The memorandum was made for collaborative research and development in the areas like Data Analysis in Food supply chain – Process capability analysis for Six Sigma, Block Chain for Agri - Food Traceability, Food quality check using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), Development of CFD/Heat transfer models, Hyper Spectral Imaging for food borne pathogens and defects in foods and Application of Robotics in Food Processing through renewed focus on strengthening the existing research facilities on different verticals.