IDBI Bank Limited - Financial Results for the Quarter and Half Year Ended September 30, 2024

Business MInutes

IDBI Bank today, announced its quarterly results for Q2 FY25. The Net Profit stood at Rs.1,868 crore for Q2 FY25, registering a strong growth of 39% YoY. The operating profit stood at Rs.3,006 crore with a YoY growth of 45%. NIM was recorded at 4.87%, and Net Interest Income stood at Rs.3,875 crore with a YoY growth of 26%. Cost of Deposit stood at 4.66% for Q2-2025 as compared to 4.22% for Q2-2024. 

CRAR stood at 21.98% with YoY growth of 72 bps. Return on Assets (ROA) stood at 1.97%, YoY growth of 38 bps and Return on Equity (ROE) stood at 20.35%, YoY growth of 130 bps. Net Interest Income improved by 26% in Q2-2025 to Rs.3,875 crore as against Rs.3,066 crore in Q2-2024. Net Interest Margin (NIM) improved by 54 bps in Q2-2025 to 4.87% as compared to 4.33% in Q2-2024.  Net NPA ratio improved to 0.20% as on September 30, 2024 as against 0.39% as on September 30, 2023. PCR stood at 99.42%, YoY improvement by 32 bps. 

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