AVIT Hosts AICTE-Sponsored FDP on ‘Digital Twin for Smart Manufacturing: Applications and its Challenges’

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The Department of  Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology (AVIT), a premier institution under Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation (DU), is proud to host a two-week Advanced Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on "Digital Twin for Smart Manufacturing: Applications and its Challenges". This cutting-edge program, sponsored by the AICTE Training and  Learning (ATAL) Academy  with a fund of Rs.6,00,000, will take place  from November 25 to December 7, 2024.

The inauguration event, held on November 25, 2024, at AVIT's Mini Auditorium, marked a significant milestone in promoting innovation and excellence in smart manufacturing.

The Honorable Chancellor of Vinayaka Mission's Research foundation, Dr.A.S.Ganesan, extended his greetings to the department for this achievement.

The Faulty Development Program was inaugurated by Mr. M. Thirumalai Kumar, Associate Vice President of Siemens Technology and Services Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru. Eminent speakers from Siemens, including Mr. Thavasuraman Palaniappan, Mr. Vinoth Subramanian, and Mr. Dhivahar Chinnadurai, shared their expertise on digital twin technology and its applications.

This pioneering program aims to provide participants with valuable insights into digital twin technology, highlighting its potential to revolutionize the industry through improved efficiency, innovation, and problem-solving. The industry training was conducted at Tamil Nadu Smart and Advanced Manufacturing Centre (TANSAM), Government of Tamil Nadu and Siemens Integrated Engineering Design Research Lab at AVIT. 46 Participants from Various academic Institutions and industry actively participated the event.

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