Dr.P. Murali Arthanari, Professor (Agronomy), Department of Agronomy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore honours with Fellow award in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the field of weed science. He has received this recognition with the hands of Dr.Panjab Singh, Chancellor, Rani Lakshmibai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi and Dr.S.K.Chaudhari, Deputy Director General (National Resource Management), ICAR, New Delhi in the presence of Dr.Samunder Singh, President, International Weed Science Society, Dr. J.S.Misra, President Indian Society of Weed Science and Director, Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur and Prof.U.P.Singh, Dean, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi at Biennial Conference held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India during 28-30th November, 2024.
This award was conferred on him because, he has developed IWM technologies for cereals, millets, pulses, oilseeds and fibre crops under different cropping systems. He standardized the protocol for herbicide application through drones for cereals and pulses. This laid the strong foundation and paved way for further honed technology applicable for the entire country. He is instrumental in UAV concepts and Cyperus tubers Collector and has obtained patents for the same. Under his eminent guidance 11 Post Graduate students and two Doctoral students completed their research in weed science. Two of his Ph.D., students were awarded INSPIRE fellowships. He has published 79 international and national journal articles and three books in weed science.