Kalasalingam University: IEEE -Training Program

Business MInutes

Krishnankoil, Kalasalingam University, IEEE Student Chapter (kare 34451) conducted a Training Programme, sponsored by IEEE SPAx., titled on ”Transition from Students to Professional ".

The Vice President Dr.S.Shasi Anand presided. Dr. D.Devaraj, Advisor, IEEE welcomed the gathering. 

The Vice Chancellor Dr S.Narayanan ,The Registrar Dr.V.Vasudevan, Dean Dr. P. Sivakumar, and HoD Dr.A.Ramkumar,  felicitated.

The Chief guest Mr. Cyril Xavier, Former AGM,BSNL inaugurated the Program and spoke on  the importance of the professional skills and Leadership qualities. 

Mr. A. Tamizha Karthic, Tamizha Group of Companies, Sivakasi  addressed on Communication skills. IEEE Chapter students Mr.Sharavan and Mr Navin wrapped the shawls to the Guests.

 Mr.  Senthil Rajamarthandan, CEO, Digi DARA Technologies , Trichy   highlighted the importance of  AI Technology.

More than 60 participants from various colleges participated. In The valedictory function, the Chief Guest distributed the certificates to all.  Dr. A. Aruna Jeyanthy, IEEE-SB Counsellor, proposed  vote of thanks. The  Programme  well organised by IEEE SB Advisor, Counsellor and the  EEE Department Students.

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